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Dive into the realms of emotional literacy, trust, and self-calming techniques. 


In today’s unpredictable world, providing children with the tools they need to manage stress and anxiety is more crucial than ever. 

Understanding emotions, empathising with others, and expressing feelings productively are foundational skills for emotional resilience, which is where "You Good? You Good! - E pai ana koe? E pai ana!" comes in.

Over three insightful modules, you’ll dive into the realms of emotional literacy, trust, and self-calming techniques. 

Our professional learning and development programmes are taught through a combination of online and in-person training.

Designed in partnership with Maori and Pacific Educators

Our programme uses an approach that interweaves Te Ao Māori, neuroscience and embodied learning activities. It incorporates Dr Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Wha model, promoting physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing and family. 

Participating kaiako/teachers will leave our workshops more able to provide a consistent model for students to look after their own wellbeing based on Te Ao Maori insights on hauora and whakataukī.

Who is this programme best for?*

*Completing the Building Belonging programme is a prerequisite to attending You Good? You Good! 

Participants of this course can expect:

Insights into language patterns to improve behaviour, learning and communication;

Explanations of the structure of the brain and a neuroscience context for understanding student behaviour.

Small group mahi and experiential activities to provide ākonga with a better understanding of their well-being and how to manage it.

Facilitated discussion to feel more agentic in supporting students who may not realise they can impact their own well-being.

Practical and drama-based activities with discussion opportunities to keep learning interactive.

We will cover:

Promoting Personal Wellbeing

When acknowledged and managed effectively, understand the contribution emotions make to personal wellbeing.

Managing Anxiety

We break down the overwhelming concept of 'stress', helping students better understand and manage their anxieties.

Self-Calming Techniques

Equip students with practical strategies to manage stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being and resilience.

Promoting Upstanding Behaviour

Encourage students to stand against bullying and support those in need, fostering empathy and respect within the classroom.

The Course Modules You'll Teach

What the children will be learning:

Module 1

My strength is not an individual but a collective: resilience and growth

  • Developing skills to increase self-awareness through listening to understand rather than listening to reply. 

  • Changing language patterns from negative to helpful language.

  • Being connected to elders can give me a sense of coping strategies used by others that contribute to my strength.

Module 2

Understanding my brain

  • Neuroscience - understanding my brain and my frame of mind.

  • Understanding and noticing my emotions. Emotion = energy in motion, therefore, is changeable - physicalising emotions through drama games such as park bench, visualisations and art.

Module 3

Being agentic in changing my emotions and thoughts

  • Listening in pairs as a reminder of skills for paying attention to what’s happening.

  • Self-help first aid kits.

  • Addressing anxiety and worry. Understanding neuroplasticity - the brain’s ability to change.

  • Understanding what I can do to change my emotions. When alone, when with others. 

  • Understanding how to get help.

  • Bouncing Forward - reshaping learnings to be prepared for the future.

  • Thinking about others, supporting others.

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